It's More Fun in The Philippines

It's More Fun in The Philippines
Love our time doing Mission Work in the Philippines

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Quite a Month...Already

It is just September 5 but this has been and promises to be a most eventful month. On Wednesday we met Laurie, Leigh and Mom in Birmingham and got the good news that Laurie was recovering from the kidney donation very well and that everything was normal and healthy. Then we got to eat lunch with a very healthy and vibrant Janet and Chuck at the Cheesecake Factory. What a thrill to see her doing so well and to think about the sacrifice that Laurie made to have it happen. That is a blessing for Laurie and Janet that is a blessing to the world. Love those two fine Christian ladies!
Laurie and our family have been so blessed and overwhelmed by the love shown her by the University church of Christ. It is amazing how much they have cared for her during this period of recovery. That is one of the great congregations in our brotherhood and what wonderful elders lead that family of believers. I cannot express my gratitude and love for them enough.
Yesterday after a Bible study, I was blessed to take Kevin Hartline to Lookout Creek and baptize him on a beautiful fall afternoon after a Bible study at Helen and Sonny O'Dell's home. His brother, Gary Morgan and his mom, Faye Morgan had both talked to him and Helen and her family had been encouraging him. It was a great day for them and me. After he was baptized, he went back to their house and told Sonny, his uncle, who is under Hospice care and in the very late stages, that he had been baptized. I don't know if Sonny could respond but feel sure he heard and was proud.
The Trenton church of Christ has been so good to Helen and Sonny during his illness and it has had such an impact on so many of their family and friends. They may have various religious backgrounds but they are all impressed by the number of visitors and level of love shown to the O'Dell's by the Christians at Trenton.
Today and in less than three weeks, Lord willing, I will fill two responsibilities that I have prayed aboutfor a number of years. In about 4 hours, I will join Don Puryear, Buddy McKenzie and Chris Gerber as the newly appointed elders of the Trenton church of Christ. This has been one of the things I have prayed about and worked toward since we visited the congregation 7 years ago this month. It overwhelms me with the responsibility and thrills me to see this fine family move back to scriptural organization. I am so blessed with the caliber of men who will be serving as shepherds with me. They are great men who are students of the Bible, who pray devoutly and love the Christians in Trenton and around the world. They have a deep concern for lost souls and I am so honored to be considered with them. Today at the installation service for the new eldership, Leigh and Nathan and his mom and sister are coming up. Wish that Laurie and Louise and Dirt and Mom and Dad could be here but they all have other very important obligations as well but I know that I am in each of their thoughts and prayers, as I hope I am all who may read this.
Finally, September 22 or there about will bring me a name change! I've been called a lot of things but none will be any sweeter than to be a grandpa. Louise and Dirt should be holding Ellie by then and I can't wait to meet that little gal! Her aunts are already spoiling her and I can't wait to get to watch her grow. She is blessed with wonderful parents and a godly heritage that few children are blessed with. I am so excited about watching her interact in this family and seeing us interact with her.
What a blessed month September has already been and promises to be! Obviously it is going to be a month where, as always, I'll need your prayers! Thanks for them!

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